
I, Site Editor, don’t know any arts or music. I don’t believe or disbelieve anything.

As a member of the Puff & Pass Team, I go out there and find information and share with the team and from there we make up our minds about what we learn along the way. No faith or anything of the sort. Find the truth and teach the next one.

If you frequent this page, you’d remember that over the last week or we’ve had discussion after discussion and private email after private email about the Nursing Scholarship Forms. And why those that control the programmes keep it secret and give the forms to their families and friends. Well?

We found out that is not true.

In summary, the nursing programme is not some secret society like we thought it was. It’s just that it is highly controlled so that people who don’t really want to be nurses, but want to get a paycheque, at the end of the month, are filtered out before they get to touch a sick patient.

Here is why?

Why is it Hard t to Get the Forms

Unless you are well off, you’ll testify to this:

  1. Calling an ambulance only for it to arrive 5 hours later.
  2. Calling the police in the middle of the night because someone is kicking your door only for them to arrive the following day and ask you if you don’t have an axe to hack them. True story!
  3. Hearing that a traffic officer lost his/her own job because they were caught taking a R25.00 bribe.
  4. Teachers not teaching on Mondays or Fridays or the first week of the term.
  5. Nurses, in hospital, don’t work after 2AM. Nurses WhatsApping with a friend while they are supposed to be attending to your sick loved one.
  6. Plus many, equally disgusting, other horrible stories….

The above is a few examples of people who are doing jobs they don’t like or want to do but they are there to get a paycheque at the end of month.

This, we learnt from our interaction with various nursing schools, hospitals and nurses, has crept into the nursing programmes. Reason being, there is a lot of money during the training programme. More than most internship and learnership programmes…

Fair or not fair, human beings are naughty by nature!

So, some people who only care about money got wind of this and wanted in and no one caught them until it was too late in most cases.

This is an example of an old saying: people who do not take responsibility taint everyone!

One head of nursing school told us that this got out hand so much so people started supporting their families from the scholarship money. So, what? They can do whatever they want with the stipend, you might say. But..

They didn’t focus on their school work as they mostly worry about the problems back home.

So, what? If they fail it’s their problem, they will pay back the scholarship money if they don’t finish, you might say again. But…

Nursing is a highly practical field. Students go to hospital to do their practicals as early as the first year. Imagine not knowing a thing and go and attend to sick people. See?

But is not impossible, for those of you who genuinely want to do nursing, go the local university or nursing school to enquire about not only the financial side of nursing but the whole nursing programme.

Polices are created to control human nature and this is nothing but an example of that.

Seriously, it’s not hard if you really think about it. So, here is what you should do:

  1. Go the South African Nursing Council website;
  2. Find nursing schools that are nearest to you;
  3. Get your hair done :-);
  4. Take a taxi or train and visit each and everyone of them and ask them about their nursing programme.
  5. Ask them about their scholarships or ogranisations that offer scholarship. Try to do it before the 15th of April 2013.
  6. Apply at the school of your choice;
  7. Equally important, apply for scholarship if they give you that information.

If you’re going to be a nurse, be a good one. Don’t do it for money. Do it for the good of the society.

Further, always learn from your elders. Listen to the nurses that have been doing the thing for the last twenty years. The lessons you can learn from them aren’t different from those you are going to learn from your mother when you have your first child. And for the boys? Just like your father (older brother) taught you how to shave or when he told you your ex-girlfriend means next girlfriend (don’t cry over her).

Some things you don’t learn from books.

Finally, again, I don’t know any arts or music. I don’t believe or disbelieve anything. Go out there and listen, learn and stand for the truth.


Puff & Pass Team

PS: The comments form is open below if you want to share something…



  • Bongani says:

    I have a question, why government is only cares about youth or should I say people under 35 years and not cares about above 35 years in this country? adult people don’t exist in this country. How are they going to live without proper support from government or you want them to commit crime in order to survive. I am 38 years old with an amazing gift when coming to studying but I have never had that lucky to fulfil my dreams and my government is always closing doors for us over thirties. Please tell us what must we do in order to survive and support our families.

  • Madibeng says:

    Hi Editor I will soon be going for a psychometric assessment at Mediclinic in order to study towards an enrolled nurse certificate with them.I have been practicing a few psychometric tests online,however they are not Nursing related but more general.I have a passion for nursing but I don,t feel prepared at all.Mediclinic is well established private hospital,their nurses don,t need to be motivated in order to do their work.I also want to be part of their team so that I can also help the public health sector of our country which is failing dismally.I may be only nineteen but I know what I WANT.PLEASE HELP. Kind Regards Madibeng

    • Nhlanhla says:

      Hey Madibeng,i am also going to write a psychometric assessment dear,could you please help a sister out if you know what it is all about please.

  • Florence says: know it gets to my heart when I see nurses in the nursing environment while thy are not suppose to be there.I love nursing with all of my soul and right now I’m doing something I dnt interact with at me Its just a waste of time to be doing it coz I don’t like it.I wish I can just be in the nursing classes not business classes because thy don’t speak my language.I guess I stand no choice because I can’t afford nursing schools my self.but I pray to God that one day when I apply to the D4 nursing ill be taken inn and make a difference.kind regards.

  • Patrick says:

    I am so happy the editor’s comment. My wife is a nurse in one of Limpopo hospitals. She always complains about her colleagues who do not know basics of nursing, whereby at the end of month they collect their salaries.During night shift they are sleeping,when there is emergency they do not stand up to help until they are called to help.They are just not interested in the profession and they are failing the government.

  • Patience says:

    Thank you Editor you read my mind on this one.People should follow their dreams and not their pockets.

  • LEBO says:


  • Mapula says:

    Well some of us we dont get space and we end up doing some courses which its a bad thing when it comes to work place because you wont be enjoying your job

    • Siila says:

      Mapula I relate to your statement. I’m also studding BEd (Teaching) which I really don’t enjoy at all I just had to study it because I had no choice but hoping and praying that the Almighty God will hear my prayers one of the good day. I love Nursing with all my heart.

  • Lucky says:

    Huu! This is true.south africa what is wrong with us? Some children miss opportunities becouse of our selfishness. Why can’t we just do the right thing? Can we just stop thinking only for ourselves,and think for our country n nation. Thnx paff for the advice on how to get the nursing info.

  • Zimasa says:

    Tht is the honest truth,ppl are after money they r nt following their dreams!…iam also worried coz i’m waiting for the results for the nursing traning in mediclinic coz i wrote a psychometric test last month on the sixteenth….i just wish myself a good luck coz nursing its my dream career!

    • Noma says:

      Hi Zimasa,

      I’m Noma, a 20 year old, college student.
      I saw your comment on writing the psychometric assessment at Mediclinic.

      Would you kindly please by any chance hint me on what I can prepare pretty please, it will be my first psychometric assessment ever and I want it soo much, I really don’t want to mess it up.

      I’d really appreciate your reply.

      Kind regards

  • Fika says:

    I would like to state that I fully agree with the editor regarding the topic at hand. I may not have the full picture or the relevant facts regarding this particular topic but in the general idea of things I believe it is true. We as South Africans and without pointing fingers at a particular race or ethnic group have somewhat adopted the notion of ‘IT IS OUR RIGHT TO WORK’, when in actually fact it is a privilege and should be given to those who truly seek to follow their passion(dreams) and not just a mere pay cheque at the end of the month, when there are serious people who are side lined because someone else filled a vacancy which could have been better suited for a more passionate person. It is not in any way fair that the public at large should suffer because of this mentality and be exposed to incompetent people who have total disregard for their jobs. It is also to some degree(I stand to be corrected) unfair that information is not so easily accessible, but with that being said (making reference to what the editor said) if you are really passionate about a particular career path you will find means one way or the other to acquire relevant information and pursue that dream.

  • Nhlakanipho says:

    that means i cannot get updates from nursing scholarships ? because i realy want to do nursing but i cannot because i dont have a sponsor i even rejected an offer of B Ed because in my life i want to do nursing.Thank you.

    • Site Editor says:

      Why don’t you follow the steps listed on the post and source the application forms?

  • Ernest says:

    Very good facts,you know people get to do some of the jobs because of money.I hope your message will waken up people to do things they love but i think there is evil spirit in those people.Thank you

  • Nhlanhla says:

    Used to think like that before…work work work and money after but times are a bit tougher now everything needs cash!

  • Lutfi says:

    Touching Facts & Points indeed, its very true & this shows that we don’t know what exactly we want beside money. Well on my side I make sure whatever job I find on my hustling I create passion for it as long as it doesn’t involve bad thinngs & discomfort. I’m motiivated by this discussion thanks puff & pass

  • Confidence says:

    keep up the good work, life first and money after this is the future of south africa.