
Please help your sister:



I am currently studying at university doing my second year in Law. I have moved back and forth, from college and universities. Still I find myself in a predicament where I feel university isn’t for me.

Recently I failed some of my modules and now I struggle to find funding. I looked for work but everything lately requires experience or a degree/diploma.

I don’t know what to do but pack up and leave as I hope that somewhere else work would be easy to find.

I have never been away from home and fear the worst, so I recently decided on starting a business. That too is not working out as I always lose customers because of the distance between me and them.

Now I’m just trying off the last year that I can at university.

My heart just is not in it.

Help me please.


If you are able to tear a page from your book of wisdom, please help this young lady. Please Note: Leave your comment using the form below.

Thanks as always,

The Team



  • Lerato says:

    Hey there

    Life is not easy, you just need to focus, pray and ask God to be with you in whatever you do. Am in a stage where i must be succesful in my career but am still studying and doing skills development its very hard sometimes i just want to give up but because i know what i want, i just hang in there and ask God to be with me.

    With God by your side, anything is possible. Even though sometimes it may seem his not there, he is there every step of the way.

  • jimmy says:

    Hey… life isn’t easy on both sides just image your self working as a cleaner,,, you will start blaming your self. Besides every person who have made it through university it wasn’t easy at point, maybe you should start to create more time for studying and less time on social life…. As the funding part, isn’t easy for companies to fund someone who doesn’t take initiative to make a progress. Just tell your family about this matter and seek advice from them… Maybe they might have extra savings or someone in a relative to assist you.. But let me tell you something , life its all about fighting for a better future and when you feel powerless just visit your church and seek help and don’t forget to pray….

  • lesego says:

    Hey girl,dont ever think of that.we know that it is not easy bt also be who you are and try ure level best.i once be in that situation and i told myslf that life will not control me.i’m going to control without education its the worse thing in life.think abt the mission and vission you want to reach,those dreams,and the life you wantd 2 live afta you my adive is kneel and pray to God and tell hm what bothering u and what u want hm to do 4 u.if u want 2 drop out thnk abt hw many ppl you are going to hurt,coz ure family are investing on you.focus gal nd wish u the best.

  • ofentse says:

    hello dear
    i hope all the coments you have being geting has being chering you up, for words said by our mouth has the power to make nor distroy what God has put inside of you . i cant say i know what your going through but i can say beilive in your future, porofesy unto your life what you want to happen dont loss hope & most love your education and please stop complaining to your self for time is precious to be wasted on complains i hope you find what you need in your decion an remamber everything happens for a greater porpuse . YOU ARE HIGHELY FAVOURD BY GOD

  • Nomakhosi says:

    Hi dear
    I’m goin through exactly da same thng dat u goin through. M 24 doin my 1yr (LLB) studyin at UNISA. Lost my job right after i paid fees for the 1st semester, still can’t find a job. Failed 4 modules n passed 1… Well dear, dont loose hope, something will come up. Don’t quitt schul, hang in ther. Try 2shift your focus a bit from the financial problems u hv n focus on the books.

  • Kuli says:

    You know if it was easy then everybody was going to do it.
    the spirit that GOD has places on me says NEVER GIVE UP!!!!
    and I love you..
    JESUS loves you eternally……
    you are blessed my sister.
    Now go and do GOD proud

  • KATO says:

    HEYdear life can push one sometimes but that does’nt mean we should just throw towel and say am a failure. ppl u see rich and successful doe’nt mean thy have’nt been through a lot, thy push back at life and tried,tried and tried until thy passed wht thy desired. my advice is we are not equal and we will never be equal meaning we will never reach most lever equally, so just be patiant, go back to school you will b blessed.

  • Lebo says:


    Do not be too hard on yourself because you haven’t failed,you’ve just found a thousand ways that do not work.
    Proverbs 24:16 says that the Godly may trip , but they will get up again.
    Sisterz all I’m saying is that hold on and keep on trying because try is the best, push until something happens!

  • Themba says:

    Hello ,i have done things like you, i was a student doing my third year left with one subject for a semester,i quite too when i fail the subject twice, i have persue a career as a clerk but my mind was to be a programmer ,i didnt love the job i was doing so i quite the job to start my business ,the business was a flop,My parents were the one who was paying for my studies now im regreting for quiting, i love to finish my studies but they cant afford to pay for me .

  • Qt says:


    Have you tried career counseling? I think you should see a professional career counselor to help you find out what it is exactly you may be good at and what you are passionate about. once you figure that out you’ll be set to go. Never give up, you are destined for greatness!

  • Charles says:

    I believe there is something that you excel on and you better find that quickly beforew you get cought-up in the spider-web of this cold world. Life is met to be lived and leave something that you will be remembered for so to make a different you need to look deep with yourself and see what is the real cause for you to even begin to feel and end up thinking that way. Since you have askie for our assistances, I suggest you stop anythinh and everything you are doing now and first find yourself and understand who you are cause there is definately a reason behind every thought,feeling and action… God has heard your voice, by the time you wake-up it will all be well set and done and you just have to see and believe in it. All the best with the dicision you intend to pursue and someone is watching over your situation!!!

  • Mabotja says:


    Whatever you are going through now, just hold on help is on the way. God will see you through and Your obstacle could become your opportunity, Your stumbling block could become your stepping stone, Your test could become your testimony. Never give up! Never throw in the towel! Never surrender to failure. God has a plan for u and He will calm the storms in your life, are allow Him. May God bless u and keep u.

  • nokwanda says:

    Hi I just recently started @ Unisa not easy but if you have a vision and a mission nd God you can overcome anything. Don’t give up just worker harder. Pray for you

  • Anza M says:

    You need these kinds of phases in this life. Phases that make you feel like giving in. the trick however is to keep your head up. Life is tricky in that it gives you challenges that require your whole being. at this point, you already know what you need to do, but you wish so much that our comments influence you to do the very thing that you cannot attempt (to drop out). If you had a plan B, id probably say, well, drop out and pursue your business, but that isn’t working well is it?
    Thing is, you are bound to regret leaving school if you do now. that is just the reality of things. its better to struggle then succeed in the end, than to just leave it to fate to decide what happens next. I am a student and i can tell you that you will make it through this. Above all, Prayer never failed anybody. God will always help you if you ask him to. I wish you a fresh mind to decide on what you will do. All the best!

  • wisani says:

    dont drop out just look fr help finish da cos
    then n whilst finishng da cos try findng urself..what interest u..and wat u passionate abt n follow dat.i personaly think dropng out would b a waste of tym n resources on the other hand it is not too late to divert ur career path who know wat da dgree cn do fr u in future
    Joel s very ryt u must b happy first money last…..

  • Brian says:

    Hey there, i would like to share a story very much similar to yours but i am just going to cut the long story short, that in all the troubles i am facing i always tell my self that where difficulty is taking over, there is a door somewhere near to help me go where there is light.

  • Rudolph S says:

    Know Why You Are Doing It

    It is important to know why you are doing it, because your mind will say “Why bother?” “Why go through all of this?”, “This is too hard”.

    Here’s how you can override that… Write down 5 reasons why you deserve it, why you? why do you deserve it? “What meaning and value will it bring to your life”, “what’s so different about you, that you deserve your goal?”

    When you write down those 5 reasons, when you have those down moments and you will have them, When that conversation starts talking to you, and it will start talking to you, what you can do is, you can pull that out and read it and it will build you up. It will be your rod and your staff to comfort you through some challenging moments, because you’re gonna have some. Life will knock you between the eyes, it will catch you on the blind side and come out of nowhere, stuff you can’t anticipate. That’s why it is important for you to work on your self, listening to tapes, building yourself up, talking to yourself with power, feeling and conviction, building yourself up day in and day out.


    P.S.S: If you want success as much as you wana breath then you will be successful- Never Ever stop the fight for what you want, cause when you stop the fight for what you want, then what you don’t want will automatically take its place.

  • Ruby says:

    Good Day 🙂

    Not having passion anymore is tough..but don’t base the fact that you lost your passion cuz you not doing well in certain modules.

    Maybe you should sit down and see whether your study methods are correct.. Search the internet and read up on different study methods and also try and find the reason why Law was your first choice.

    Keep trying and keep believing. You made it to second year don’t dropout now cuz u are given the opportunity to! Highschool I’m sure wasn’t all sunshine and roses yet you completed that.
    Take all the advice given above because it sure did motivate me. Everyone needs some spiritual guidance!
    I wish you well with future endeavours..hang in there YOU CAN DO IT!

  • Mkansi D says:

    Hi there,I know Law can be a drag when your heart is not in it!But I think you should invest your life in Jesus,that’s where You will find joy.I have a feeling that its aint only about school but your life in general.But allow don’t give up,pray…make friends and discover who you are,(what type of a person) and work according to it and everything will be well with your soul!Exodus 14v14:The Lord shall fight for you,and you shall hold your peace.

  • Joel says:

    Hey there

    This is not advice for that lady. It is me just contemplating on some lessons I have also learnt from being in a similar situation a situation. I believe she can get the answers in the advices given.

    I was previously employed at some institutions where I was not doing anything related to what I studied at varsity. I felt empty and frustrated at times. Unchallenged, bored.

    I have come to realize that I have to do what I am passionate about and have serious interest in.

    Making money and trying to secure a financial future is good. But I need to BALANCE it with living my dream life. For me a dream life is life spent doing what I love. I am convinced that money will never make me happy.

    I am grateful that I have a degree in what I am passionate about and have an opportunity to pursue what I have interest in.

    Honestly, I could do with receiving a salary of R10 000 pm but doing what I love with my whole heart. Than to receive R500 000 pm but being stuck with doing something that my heart is not in. I kid you not.