Dept Arts Culture: Bursary Programme 2015
Closing Date: 21 June 2014
The Department of Arts and Culture invites applications for bursaries for students who wish to pursue studies in heritage courses. The bursary will finance both undergraduates and post graduates
Fields of Study
- Archaeology (marine, etc.)
- Archives and records management
- Conservation of the built environment
- Restorative and preventive conservation
- Collections (cultural & natural) management
- Heritage resources management
- Museum management and curatorship
- Courses that contribute to the preservation and promotion of S.A. Living Heritage
The following documents must accompany the application:
- Certified copy of birth certificate or ID document
- Z83 Form
- Certified copy of the salary statement and / or proof of income and affidavit of your parents / guardians (if not working)
- Certified copy of Grade 12 June examination results / Grade 12 / Matric results
- If already at university – latest results / academic record
- Proof of admission or provisional admission at an institution of higher learning
- South African citizenship
- Financially needy
How to Apply
Post: Department of Arts and Culture, Private Bag X897, Pretoria, 0001 Or
Hand deliver: Heritage Bursaries, 481 Kingsley Centre, 5th Floor, Cnr. Stanza Bopape & Steve Biko Street, Arcadia, Pretoria.
Enquiries Email: [email protected]