Closing Date: 09 March 2018
Location: Pretoria (where NOT indicated)

Stipend: N6 – R2500, Diploma – R3000, National Diploma & Degree – R4000, Honours & Masters – R5000 pm

NOTE: Please double check the QUALIFICATION requirements of each position…

Financial Management Grad / Intern

Ref: FMD 01 / 2018

  • National Diploma / B Tech / B Degree in Financial Management, Accounting

Location: Please apply to a specific area: Pretoria, Bloemfontein, Limpopo, Durban and Cape Town.

Enquiries: Ms M. Wehl, Tel: (012) 674 4740 / Ms G.V.T. Maditla, Tel: (012) 674 4745

Defence Material Grad / Intern

Ref: DMD 02 / 201

  • National Diploma / B Tech / B Degree in Supply Chain Management, Logistic Management, Business Administration.

Enquiries: Mr M.G. Masala, Tel: (012) 355 5481 / Mr N. Nkoko, Tel: (012) 355 6299

International Affairs Grad / Intern

Ref: DIAD 03 / 2018

  • National Diploma / B Tech / B Degree in International Relations, Political Science, Office Management, Management Assistant

Enquiries: Mr K. Davhana., Tel: (012) 355 5859.

Audit Grad / Intern

Ref: IAD 04 / 2018

  • National Diploma / B Tech / B Degree in Internal Auditing, Financial Accounting, Financial Management.

Enquiries: Ms S. Nkosi, Tel: (012) 649 1051 / Ms N. Bhese., Tel: (012) 649 1031.

Operations Grad / Intern

Ref: J OPS 05 / 2018

  • Diploma / National Diploma / B Tech / B Degree in Financial Management, Facility Management, Human Resource Management, Supply Chain Management, Sports Management, Sports Administration, Sports Science, Bio kinetics, Dietician, Physiotherapy, Pharmacy, Nursing.

Enquiries: Lieutenant Colonel A.T. Innes, Tel: (012) 674 5644.

SA Army Grad / Intern

Ref: SAA 06 / 2018

  • National Diploma / B Tech / B Degree in Human Resource Management, Communication Studies, Financial Management, Logistics Management.

Enquiries: Major N.I. Cain, Tel: (012) 355 1693

Air Force Grad / Intern

Ref: SAAF 07 / 2018

  • National Diploma / B Tech / B Degree in Communication Studies, Media Studies, Journalism, Public Relations Management, Marketing Management, Financial Management, Cost and Management Accounting.

Enquiries: Mr E.M. Rabapane, Tel: (012) 312 1038

Navy Grad / Intern
Navy Grad / Intern

Ref: SAN 08 / 2018Location: Simon’s Town

  • National Diploma / B Tech / B Degree in Logistic Management, Supply Chain Management, Human Resource Management, Hospitality, Management of Training

Enquiries: M s A.M. Kau – Tsoanyane, Tel: (021) 787 5214

Legal Services Grad / Intern

Ref: DLSD 10 / 2018

  • N6 / Diploma / National Diploma / B Degree in LLB, Paralegal, Legal Assistant, Office Administration, Human Resource Management.

Enquiries: Li eutenant Colonel E.M. Segoatle, Tel: (012) 355 5334

Communications Grad / Intern

Ref: DCC 11 / 2018

  • National Diploma / B Tech / B Degree in Communication Studies, Public Relations, Marketing Management, Cameraman, Photography, Photo Jo urnalist, Graphic Design, Layout Artist, Theatre Technology & Entertainment, Sound Engineering, Fine Art, Media.

Enquiries: FSgt S.L.L. Mafanya, Tel: (012) 355 6322

DOD Grad / Intern

Ref: DHQU 12 / 2018

  • National Diploma / B Tec h / B Degree in Human Resource Management, Logistic Management, Supply Chain Management, Transport Management.

Enquiries: Major L.A. Mosingathi, Tel: (012) 355 5526

Military Police Grad / Intern

Ref: MPD 13 / 2018

  • National Diploma / B Tech / B Degree in Criminology, Policing, Human Resource Management, Logistic Management, Public Management.

Enquiries: Lieutenant Colonel M.V. Mokhachele, Tel: (012) 686 4072 / 4085.

IT Grad / Intern

Ref: CMIS 14 / 2 018

  • National Diploma / B Tech / B Degree in Information Technology, Computer Science, Human Resource Management, Project Management.

Enquiries: Major S.M.P Maloka, Tel: (012) 355 5116

Logistics Grad / Intern

Ref: LD 15 / 2018

  • National Diploma / B Tech / B Degree in Agricultural Engineering, Financial Management, Accounting, Logistic Management, Hospitality, Public Administration, Business Management.

Enquiries: Ms G. Williams, Tel: (012) 402 2619 / LCpl M.J. Mogotlane, Tel: (012) 402 262

HR Grad / Intern

Ref: HRM 16 / 2018

  • National Diploma / B Tech / B Degree in Human Resource Management.

Enquiries: Major S.I. Mocimi, Tel: (012) 339 5372

HR Grad / Intern

RE F: HRD 17 / 2018National Diploma / B Tech / B Degree in Human Resource Development.

Enquiries: Ms A.S. Marsh, Tel: (012) 355 .6081

Linguistics Grad / Intern

Ref: LANG 18 / 2018

  • B Degree / National Diploma with specialisation in English.

Enquiries: Ms N. Ndwandwe, Tel: (012) 654 4050 ext 126

Hospitality / HR Grad / Intern

Ref: TC 20 / 2018

  • N6, Diploma, National Diploma, B Tech, B Degree in Human Resource Development, Chef, Hospitality.

Enquiries: Ms E. du Preez, Tel: (012) 355 6567

Social Studies Grad / Intern

Ref: CDTM 21 / 2018

  • National Diploma / B Tech / B Degree in Youth Development, Disability Management, Social Worker, Office Management, Gender Studies, Development.

Enquiries: Mr T.E. Mudavheni, Tel: (012) 355 5395

Labour Relations Grad / Intern

Ref: LR 22 / 2018

  • National Diploma / B Tech / B Degree in Labour Relations.

Enquiries: Ms D. Monaga, Tel: (012) 355 5868

How to Apply

Applications must be submitted on a Z83 form. Applications must be accompanied by a comprehensive CV, certified copies of ID, Grade 12 and qualifications as well as the recent Academic Transcripts / Records. Applicants must be graduates from accredited Institutions of Higher Learning who are une mployed. Foreign qualification must be accompanied by an evaluation certificate from South African Qualification Authority (SAQA). Non – RSA citizens / Permanent resident permit holders must attach a copy of their permanent residence permit. Applicants who pa rticipated in any other Government Internship Programmes before will not be considered. Students requiring experiential training as part of their qualification must attach a formal letter from their Tertiary Institution. Failure to submit all the requested documents will result in the application not being considered. The successful candidates will be subjected to Personnel Suitability Checks (criminal record & Security Clearance). Faxed or e – mailed applications will not be accepted. Should you not hear fro m us within 2 months of the closing date, please accept that your application is unsuccessful. Applications received after the closing date and those that do not comply with the requirements will not be considered. Graduates with Disabilities and TVET Coll ege graduates are encouraged to apply.

Department of Defence, Human Resources Division, Private Bag X159, Pretoria, 0001, Private Bag X159, Pretoria, 0001 or

hand delivery Corner Van Riebeeck & Paul Kruger Street, ThabaTshwane City Hall, ThabaTshwane (Voortrekker).

Enquiries: Ms A.S. Marsh Tel: (012) 355 6081.