Quick Tips

  • Please READ the questions to find what you are looking for.
  • Or Send Feedback
Do I qualify?
One of the most frequently asked questions are here. All posts here have a minimum requirement section. So, knowing the skills you possess and what a post requires should answer this.
How much does this learnership pay?
Please use the contact details within the post and contact the company to find out.
How do I unsubscribe from the update emails?
At the bottom of each email, there is a link to "unsubscribe". Follow the instruction from the resulting page.
Must I always write a cover letter for each application?
Whether an adverts asks for a cover letter or not, you should always try to emphasize why you think you are the most suitable candidate. And a cover letter is always the best to do that.
When a cover letter is attached as a PDF, what do I write in the body of an email?
1. Who you are 2. What the email is about 3. What is attached and a summary of what is in each attachment 4. Refer the reader to the attachments for more information about why you think you're the most suitable person for the position.
Can one get updates for a preferred field only?
No. The subscription feature of the site depends on RSS which sends updates of the entire site.
How do I subscribe?
Go to the site and look for "Get update via Email" then:
  • 1. It's on the right if you're using a computer,
  • 2. Bottom of the screen if you're using a phone

You'll need to respond to the activation email to finish the process.