Closing Date: 9 February 2018

The Gauteng Department of Agriculture & Rural Development (GDARD) offers an Internship opportunity to unemployed graduates or students that require Experiential Training to apply in the fields that are in line with the Departmental core buşiness. The Department is therefore Inviting applications for the Internship. Programme that runs for a maximum period of 12 months in the following disciplines / fields of study:

Environmental Policy, Planning and Coordination [x2]

  • ND / Degree: Environmental Studies, Geo-informatics / Geographic Information System, Spatial & Development Planning

Ref: EPPC18 / 19

Air Quality [x2]

  • ND / Degree: Environmental Studies / Chemical Engineering / Meteorology

Ref: AQ18 / 19

Biodiversity Management [x1]

  • ND / Degree: Nature Conservation, Ecology, Botany of Zoology

Ref: BM 18 / 19

Environment Empowerment Services [x2]

  • ND / Degree: Resource Management / Nature Conservation

Ref: EES18 / 19

Farmer Support and Development Research and Technology Development Services [x7]

  • ND / Degree: Agricultural Extension, Agricultural Management, Animal / Crop Production, Agriculture Engineering, Horticulture, Agronomy, Soil / Animal Science,

Ref: FSD & RTDS18 / 19

Agriculture Economics Services [x2]

  • Degree: Agricultural Economics, Agribusiness Management

Ref: AES18 / 19

Animal Health, Veterinary Public Health and Export Facilitation [x6]

  • ND / Degree: Animal Health, Environmental Health or Equine Science

Ref: AH & VPHEF18 / 19

Epidemiology Laboratory and Quality Management (Onderstepoort veterinary Institute) [x2]

  • ND / Degree: Veterinary Laboratory Technology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry or Microbiology

Ref: EBLQM18 / 19

Rural Development [x1]

  • ND / Degree: Developmental Studies

Ref: RD18 / 19

Rural Development [x1]

  • ND / Degree: Agricultural Economics, Economics or Small Business Management

Ref: BBBEE18 / 191

Legal Services [x2]

  • Degree: LLB

Ref: LS18 / 19

Information Communication Technology [x3]

  • ND / Degree: Information Technology

Ref: ICT 18 / 19

Corporate Communications [x2]

  • ND / Degree Graphic Design

Ref: CC18 / 19

Intergovernmental Relations [x1]

  • ND / Degree: Public Administration

Ref: IGR18 / 19

REQUIREMENTS: All applicants must be between the ages of 18 – 35 years, south African citizen:unemployed graduates who have never participated in an Internship programme or students that require Experiêntial Training to complete their qualifications. Successful candidates will be exposed to sign an Internship Agreement and they will receive a monthly allōwance or stipend which will be determined by the exit level of their qualifications, Applications must be submitted on a signed Z83 form, obtained fro many Public Service Department, and Curriculum Vitae, plus certified copies of Identity Document, Senior Certificate and qualification including academic transcript.

How to Apply

Applications should be forwarded to: Human Resource Development, GDARD, PO Box 8.769,Johannesburg, 2000 or hand delivered to Gauteng Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, 56 Eloff Street, Umnotho House, Ground Floor.

NB: No faxed or email applications will be accepted and applications which will be received after the closing date will not be considered. If you have not been contacted within 3 months of the closing date,please accept that your application was unsuccessful.

For further enquiries, please contact: Ms. Lindeni Nhlapo, Tel (011) 240 2586, Mr. Livhuwani Mutswana, Tel (011) 240 2590