Summary of this page:
- How to use Posts
- How to use Search
- How to use Templates
- How to use Submissions
- How to use Send Feedback
- How to use Useful Link
- How to use About Us
- How to use Entries By Month
- How to use Social Connect
To make each post useful and meaningful, a number of features are added. On the right, each post features shortcuts to guidelines on how to apply for an internship/learnership etc. Furthermore, each post has the following useful information:
- The date it was posted on.
- The closing date which is always found at the top of the post. However, where the closing date is missing, the first point (above) should help one decide whether a post is still open for applications or not. At most, no internship position is open for more than three months.
- The method of application which is normally, Online, by fax, email or post (snail mail). This is normally found under a section entitled ‘How to Apply’. So, there is never a reason to send feedback asking how to apply or sending one’s CV via the submissions email address unless one does not read.
- At the bottom of each posts there are a number of links to share a post on Facebook, Twitter of Google+ wall by clicking the Like Button…
Basically, search works like this: you enter a keyword (about the information you’re looking for) and, if something is found, the site is supposed to give the user the information relating to that keyword.
However, this is not Google and so it is not as perfect like it. So to get the best out of this feature, make the search value as precise and short as possible otherwise the system will not return anything.
Therefore, it is better to search for: “Closing Date June 2012” than “All bursaries and internships closing in June 2012 in Naspoti”
The aim of this page was to try to list the DOs and DONTs of applying for an internship/learnership. Later, information about writing a cover letter and a CV was also added. Many people have sent feedback indicating they found it useful as a stepping stone. Especially, writing a cover letter. Among other things: it features the following
The Cover Letter: this is meant as a foundation of what a cover letter should entail. Career seekers
The CV: this gives guidelines on how to write a CV.
Templates for a cover letter and CVs are provided for download at the bottom of this page.
Lastly, it is hoped that career seekers will use this information as a start of the job seeking process as it doesn’t include everything there is about job seeking.
This page can be accessed from this address:
This is meant for companies to submit their programmes to list on the website. COMPANIES ONLY! Somehow one or two people manage just close their eyes and send their CVs instead (This happens weekly).
Send Feedback
This page is meant as a way to keep in touch with the site Editor. This can be used as follows:
- Ask a question about the site. However, the user is encouraged to look at: Frequently Ask Questions first because questions about things that can be found in the individual post or the site itself are ignored. So please READ and use search beforehand.
- Ask a question or report a problem about a post.
For instance, many companies have sent feedback to take down their programmes for various reasons.
PLEASE NOTE: there can never be a reason to copy and paste one’s CV on this page ever.
Also and IMPORTANTLY, all messages written in SMS or MIXIT language are ignored.
This page can be accessed from this address:
Archives by Field or Month
This section of the site, which is found on the right of the screen for PC users and bottom of it for mobile, is meant to categorise all the post by field or industry as well as the date they posted on. In simpler terms, everything that has been posted as an internship is found under “internships”. Everything from the day this site went live. Similarly, “Entries by Month” lists posts added on each month since the site went live. Meaning, the closer the month is to the current date the more recent are the post under that month and users are encouraged to start looking at them.
On the other hand “Entries by Field” is meant to help the user to get the information that applies to him or her as easy as possible. So, there can’t be a reason to look at information that was posted 9 months ago.
There isn’t much to say here. This page gives information about the makings of this site.
This page can be accessed from this address:
Useful Links
The idea of these links is to make it easy for Grade 12 student to get the application forms from the individual universities in one place. However, as you know universities are not the same. Some make it hard to get hold of the forms and others haven’t caught up with the rest of the world regarding the usefulness of the internet and don’t have anything on their websites.
What is listed on this page is what is available on the websites of all the individual universities.
This page can be accessed from this address:
Social Connection
This works in two ways. First, there are the social network links on the right (not available on mobile phones) which when clicked will make you follow on Facebook, Twitter etc. Secondly there are the links found in the individual posts which when clicked will make the link to that post appear on your wall on Facebook.
Lastly, users are encouraged to note the following:
- This site is NOT for job seekers.
- This site is for people looking for learnerships (normally requires people with Grade 12), graduate programmes or internships (generally requires people with a post Grade 12 qualification) and bursaries. Career starters that is…
- If information (internships, learnerships or bursaries) about your chosen career cannot be found anywhere on the site, it NOT because we don’t like your field but it may be that companies don’t advertise anything for your field.