Closing Date: 13 March 2020
Location: KZN
The South African Police Service hereby invites unemployed graduates who conform to the requirements for a twelve (12) monthsGraduate Recruitment Scheme at Gauteng Province.The Graduate Recruitment Scheme is part of the National Human Resource Development Strategy and the National Skills Development Strategy.
Generic requirements:
- Be a South African citizen;
- Must be in possession of National Senior Certificate / Senior Certificate / National Certificate Vocational (level 4);
- Must have no previous criminal conviction(s) or case(s) pending;
- Applicants must be unemployed, never employed in field of the advertised post and never participated in an internship programme relevant to the field of the post;
- Proof of residential address to be attached;
- Applicants are restricted to apply for only three (3) positions and complete separate application forms for each post reference number.
Intern categories with minimum requirements: Graduate Intern:
Tertiary Qualification is required (Statement of Results must be attached).Student Intern: Practical experience required by the Tertiary Institution in order for learners to finalise their qualification (letter from the Institution must be attached).
NB: Stipend for each category will be determined by the Divisional Commissioner Human Resource Development: South African Police Service
The following posts are advertised for consideration in terms of the Graduate Recruitment Scheme intothe South African Police Service.
Hospitality Management Interns (2 Posts) Section:Mess
Location:HRDC PietermaritzburgRef Number: KZN INT 01 / 2020
Additional Requirements:
- *Be in possession of an applicable National Certificate in Hospitality Management or three (3) year National Diploma / Degree in Hospitality Management / Food and Beverage Management / Services, recorded on the National Learner Record Database (NLRD) or relevant qualification in the field of the post.
Core functions:
- * Assist with: The planning, preparation and serving of meals. Organise and keep the kitchen, dining halls and store rooms hygienically clean. *Contribute to the proper utilization of the resources allocated to the post environment. 2l
Administrative Intern (2 Posts) Section: Supply Chain ManagementLocation : PC KZN: DurbanRef Number: KZN INT 2 / 2020
Additional Requirements:
- *Be in possession of an applicable three (3) year National Diploma / Degree in Supply Chain Management / Logistics / Transport Management, recorded on the National Learner Record Database (NLRD) on at least a NQF 6 or higher level or relevant qualificationin the field of the post.
Core functions:
- * Assist with: Procurement and Acquisition of goods and Services within Supply Chain Management;Administer effective and efficient of all Movable Government Property; Administer effective coordination and maintenance of vehicle fleet management within the Component; Administer and control distribution and utilization of physical resources.
Administrative Intern [x1]Section : Organisational Development
Location:PC KZN:Durban Ref Number: KZN INT 3 / 2020
Additional Requirements:
- *Be in possession of an applicable three (3) year National Diploma / Degree in Strategic Management / Business Management recordedon the National Learner Record Database (NLRD) on at least a NQF 6 or higher level or relevant qualification in the field of the post.
Core functions:
- *Assist with; Facilitation of Annual Operational Plans on Provincial, Cluster and Police station Level. The Marketing and Implementation of the Annual Performance Plan; Assist the coordinating of tasking emanating from Provincial Management Forum; The interpretation and recommendation of analysis of corrective measures.
Librarian Intern[x1]Section : Human Resources Development Location : PC KZN: Durban Ref Number: KZN INT 4 / 2020
Additional Requirements:
- *Be in possession of an applicable three (3) year National Diploma / Degree inLibrary and Information Sciencerecordedon the National Learner Record Database (NLRD) on at least a NQF 6 or higher level or relevant qualification in the field of the post.
Core functions:
- *Assist with;Conduct reference interviews with users and establish exact nature and scope of information needed daily in terms of SAPS prescripts. Conduct online searches onLexis Nexis, Juta and Sabinet databases. Operate inter-library loan system. Assist withstock taking.
Legal Administrative Intern [x1] Section: Legal Services Location : PC: KZN DurbanRef Number: KZN INT 5 / 2020
Additional Requirements:
*Be in possession of an applicable three (3) years Diploma / Degree in LLB / Law, recorded on the National Learner Record Database (NLRD) on at least a NQF 6 or higher level or relevant qualification in the field of the post.
Core functions:
*Assist with: Administration duties with regard to the effective handling of labour litigation matters. Administration duties in relation to eviction, general and discipline matters / files referred for legal opinion. Render administration duties to the Provincial Head LegalServices. |
Administrative Intern (7 Posts) Section: HRDCSports office
- PCHRDDurban(Sports Office) [x1]Refnumber: KZN INT 6 / 2020
- Eshowe[x1]Ref number: KZN INT7 / 2020
- Ulundi[x1]Ref number: KZN INT8 / / 2020
- Port Shepstone[x1]Ref number: KZN INT 9 / 2020
- Pietermaritzburg[x1]Ref number: KZN INT 10 / 2020
- Newcastle[x1]Ref number: KZN INT 11 / 2020
- Durban[x1]Ref number: KZN INT 12 / 2020
Additional Requirements:
- *Be in possession of an applicable three (3) years Diploma / Degree in Sport Management / Exercise Science / Sport Management / Biogenetics,recorded on the National Learner Record Database (NLRD) on at least a NQF 6 or higher level or relevant qualification in the field of the post.
Core functions:
- *Assist with: Presentingof Group fitness classes; Maintenance fitness programmeincluding summative assessments; General administration in fitness office.
Administrative Intern [x1] Section : Human Resources Utilization Location : PC: KZN: Durban Ref Number : KZN INT 13 / 2020
Additional Requirements:
- *Be in possession of an applicable three (3) years Diploma / Degreein Labour Relations,recorded on the National Learner Record Database (NLRD) on at least a NQF 6 or higher level or relevant qualification in the field of the post.
Core functions:
- *Assist with:Implementationand maintainingPerformance Management;Coordinate employments equity;AdministerLabour Relations matters;Coordinate the administration of HumanResources Utilization component and administer logistic needs.
Administrative Intern (3Posts)Section : Personnel Management
Location: PC: KZN:Durban Ref Number: KZN INT 14 / 2020
Additional Requirements:
- *Be in possession of an applicable three (3) year National Diploma / Degree in Human Resource Management / Public Administration and Management / Business Administration / Office Administration / Office Management and Technology, recorded on the National Learner Record Database (NLRD) on at least a NQF 6 or higher level or relevant qualification in the field of the post.
Core Functions:
- *Assist with: Administertransfers of Personnel. Receive, verify, process and control Service; Termination documents forcompleteness and correctness; Receive, verify, process and control Service Termination documents for completeness and correctness; Identify incorrect placement or personnel at the Unit;Process leave forms, registers and formsand capture them on the system; Issue leave certificate due to termination; Obtain and update member’s data integrity.
Financial Administrative Intern (2Posts)Section : Finance Location : PC: KZN:Durban Ref Number: KZN INT 15 / 2020
Additional Requirements:
- * Be in possession of an applicable three (3) year National Diploma / Degree in B Com Accounting / Bachelors of Accounting Sciences in Financial Accounting / B Com in Financial Management / Business Administration / Business Management / Cost Management andAccounting / Public Finance Management and Administration, recorded on the National Learner Record Database (NLRD) on at least a NQF 6 or higher level or relevant qualification in the field of the post.
Core Functions:
- *Assist with: Aadministrative tasksregarding Finance Management; Verification of all allowances and capture on PERSAL; Processing of SAPOL claims on POLFIN; Distribution and receiving of telephone / cellular phones accounts to / from users; Creation of financial authorisation on POLFIN; Recordkeeping of all approved / disapproved financial application for audit purposes.
Sound Engineering Intern [x1] Section : Human Resource Development (MIC Section)
Location: PC:KZN: Durban Ref Number : KZN INT 16 / 2020
Additional Requirements:
- * Be in possession of an applicable three (3) year National Diploma / Degree in Sound Technology / Sound Engineering, recorded on the National Learner Record Database (NLRD) on at least a NQF 6 or higher level or relevant qualification in the field of the post.
Core Functions:
- *Set up Microphones and Sound System throughout the Province or where required; Check sound levels and equipment functionality, run sound checks, and other tasks usingMIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) production Instrument.
Administrative Intern [x1] Section : Human Resource Development (Monitoring & Evaluation)
Location: PCKZN: Durban Ref Number : KZN INT 17 / 2020
Additional Requirements
- *Be in possession of an applicable three (3) year National Diploma / Degree in Human Resource Management / Public Administration and Management / Business Administration / Office Administration / Office Management and Technology, recorded on the National Learner Record Database (NLRD) on at least a NQF 6 or higher level or relevant qualification in the field of the post.
Core functions:
- *Assist with: Monitor and evaluateimplementation projects within SAPS;Administrative support. Facilitation and conduct research;Co-ordinate management information.
Administrative Intern [x1] Section: Communications Location : PC: KZN: Durban Ref Number: KZN INT 18 / 2020
Additional Requirements:
- Be in possession of an applicable three (3) year National Diploma / Degree in Communication Science / Public Relations / Journalism,recorded on the National Learner Record Database (NLRD) on at least a NQF 6 or higher level or relevant qualification in the field of the post. A Certificate in Event Management / Protocol course will be an added advantage
Core functions:
- *Assist with: Researchingstories about the Organization. Conduct interviews as well as record interviews. Organize and co-ordinate community events, public presentation and exhibitions. Promote and maintain good public presentation and exhibition. Renderadministrative duties pertaining to communication and related function. Maintain andopen communication channel with media and improve media liaison.
Administrative Intern (12Posts) Section: VISPOL Support
- Berea[x1]Ref Number:KZN INT 19 / 2020
- Greenwood Park[x1]Ref Number:KZN INT 20 / 2020
- Hillcrest [x1]Ref Number:KZN INT 21 / 2020
- KwaMashu [x1] Ref Number: KZN INT22 / 2020
- Ladysmith (1post) Ref Number:KZN INT23 / 2020
- Margate [x1] Ref Number:KZN INT24 / 2020
- Marianhill (1post) Ref Number:KZN INT25 / 2020
- Mountain Rise [x1] Ref Number:KZN INT26 / 2020
- Osizweni [x1] Ref Number: KZN INT27 / 2020
- Phoenix [x1] Ref Number:KZN INT28 / 2020
- Port Shepstone[x1] Ref Number:KZN INT29 / 2020
- Richards Bay[x1] Ref Number:KZN INT30 / 2020
Additional Requirements:
- *Be in possession of an applicable three (3) year National Diploma / Degree in Human Resource Management / Public Administration and Management / Business Administration / Office Administration / Office Management and Technology, recorded on the National Learner Record Database (NLRD) on at least a NQF 6 or higher level or relevant qualification in the field of the post.
Core functions:
- *Assist with: Administrative support. Provide professional information support Maintainthe BI System / filing of documents.
Administrative Intern (24Posts) Section :Support Services
Location :
- DurbanCentral[x1] Ref Number:KZNINT31 / 2020
- DurbanNorth [x1] Ref Number:KZN INT 32 / 2020
- Tongaat[x1] Ref Number: KZN INT 33 / 2020
- Mtubatuba[x1] Ref Number: KZN INT 34 / 2020
- Greytown [x1] Ref Number: KZN INT 35 / 2020
- Sundumbili [x1] Ref Number: KZN INT 36 / 2020
- Ladysmith(1post) Ref Number: KZN INT37 / 2020
- Madadeni [x1] Ref Number: KZN INT 38 / 2020
- Kokstad (2posts) Ref Number: KZN INT 39 / 2020
- Dundee [x1] Ref Number: KZN INT 40 / 2020
- Mountain Rise[x1] Ref Number: KZN INT 41 / 2020
- Eshowe (2 posts)Ref Number: KZN INT 42 / 2020
- Newcastle[x1] Ref Number: KZN INT 43 / 2020
- Estcourt [x1] Ref Number: KZN INT 44 / 2020
- Phoenix [x1] Ref Number: KZN INT 45 / 2020
- Port Shepstone[x1] Ref Number: KZN INT 46 / 2020
- Richards Bay[x1] Ref Number: KZN INT 47 / 2020
- Ulundi [x1] Ref Number: KZN INT 48 / 2020
- Kwamsane (2 posts)Ref Number: KZN INT 49 / 2020
- Ekombe [x1] Ref Number: KZN INT 50 / 2020
- Vryheid [x1] Ref Number: KZN INT 51 / 2020
Additional Requirements:
- *Be in possession of an applicable three (3) year National Diploma / Degree in Human Resource Management / Public Administration and Management / Business Administration / Office Administration / Office Management and Technology / Labour Law / Labour Relations, recorded on the National Learner Record Database (NLRD) on at least a NQF 6 or higher level or relevant qualification in the field of the post
Core functions:
- *Assist with: Co-ordinate all HRM related matters; Administrative duties in terms of all Employee Relations and Life Cycle Management; Administrative duties in terms of Human Resource Utilization functions; Administrative duties in terms of Personnel Management duties.
Administrative Student Intern (26 Posts)Section :Support Services
- Berea [x1] Ref Number: KZN INT 52 / 2020
- Durban North[x1] Ref Number: KZN INT 53 / 2020
- Greenwood Park [x1]Ref Number: KZN INT 54 / 2020
- Hillcrest [x1] Ref Number: KZN INT55 / 2020
- KwaMashu [x1] Ref Number: KZN INT 56 / 2020
- Ladysmith [x1] Ref Number: KZN INT 57 / 2020
- Kokstad [x1] Ref Number: KZN INT 58 / 2020
- Margate [x1] Ref Number: KZN INT 59 / 2020
- Marianhill [x1] Ref Number: KZN INT 60 / 2020
- Dundee [x1] Ref Number: KZN INT 61 / 2020
- Mountain Rise[x1] Ref Number: KZN INT 62 / 2020
- Newcastle [x1] Ref Number: KZN INT 63 / 2020
- Osizweni [x1] Ref Number: KZN INT 64 / 2020
- Estcourt [x1] Ref Number: KZN INT 65 / 2020
- Port Shepstone[x1] Ref Number: KZN INT 66 / 2020
- Jozini (2 posts) Ref Number: KZN INT 67 / 2020
- Richards Bay [x1] Ref Number: KZN INT 68 / 2020
- Ulundi [x1] Ref Number: KZN INT 69 / 2020
- Kwamsane [x1] Ref Number: KZN INT 70 / 2020
- PC Finance [x1] Ref Number: KZN INT 71 / 2020
- PC HRU (1post) Ref Number: KZN INT 72 / 2020
- PC SCM [x1] Ref Number: KZN INT 73 / 2020
- PC PM(2 posts) Ref Number: KZN INT 74 / 2020
- Durban Central[x1]Ref Number: KZN INT 75 / 2020
Additional Requirements:
- *Be in possession of an applicableN6 in Human Resource Management / Public Administration / Public Management / Business Administration / Office Administration, recorded on the National Learner Record Database (NLRD) or relevant qualification in the field of the post
Core functions:
- *Assist with: Co-ordination of all HRM related matters; Administrative duties in terms of all Employee Relations and Life Cycle Management; Administrative duties in terms of Human Resource Utilization functions; Administrative duties in terms of Personnel Management duties.
- Only the official Application Form for the Graduate Recruitment Scheme (available on the SAPS website) will be accepted. All instructions on the application form must be adhered to. Failure to do so may result in the rejection of the application.
- The post particulars and reference number of the post must be correctly specified on the Application Form.
- An updated Curriculum Vitae must be submittedtogether with the application form.
- Certified copies of an applicant’s ID document, National Senior Certificate and all post school educational qualifications with statement of results obtained must also be submitted and attached to every application. Certified copies should not be older than 6 months. No faxed or e-mailed applications will be considered.
- Applications must be posted / hand delivered timeously. Late applications will not be accepted or considered. The closing date for all applications is2020-02-28.
- All short-listed candidates will be subjected to fingerprint screening.
- All short-listed candidates will undergo a personal interview. Short-listed applicants may be subjected to vetting.
- Correspondence will be conducted with successful candidates only. If you have not been contacted within 4 months after the closing date of this advertisement, please accept that your application was unsuccessful. Province: Eastern Cape
- The South African Police Service is under no obligation to fill a post after advertisement thereof.
- Recommended candidates will be expected to sign a 12 months Internship Contract.
- Graduate Recruitment Scheme in the SAPS may not be regarded as a guarantee for automatic absorption for permanent appointment.
How to Apply
Download Application Form
Applications can be posted or hand delivered to:
KwaZulu-Natal: Lt. Colonel NE Mabhida / Lt. Colonel SN Zondo
0313256163 / 0313254808 [email protected] / [email protected]
15 Bram Fischer Road
Servamus Building