Listing By Field: Agrometeorology

Closing Date: 2 November, 2018 The National Research Foundation (NRF) is responsible for the management of the DST-NRF Internship Programme in which unemployed Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) graduates and postgraduates (including those in Social Sciences and Humanities) are offered an opportunity to acquire practical work experience through mentoring and an exposure to a research

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Closing Date: 20 October 2017 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (1ST, 2ND, 3RD OR HONOURS YEAR) – (REF.WS 1 1/1 0 / 20 1 7 ), for 2018 is offering Bursaries for study towards the following  METEOROLOGY  AGRO – METEORLOGY  AIR QUALITY  ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE CLIMATOLOGY Please note all degrees must include Mathematics and Physical Sciences. Applicants that

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Closing Date: 19 October 2015  ONE YEAR BSC BRIDGING COURSE (INTRODUCTION TO METEOROLOGY) FOLLOWED BY HONOURS IN METEOROLOGY AND A POST GRADUATE CERTIFICATE IN WEATHER FORECASTING. (REF.WS – bridge – 01/ 0 9/2015 ), for 201 6 is offering Bursaries for study The South African Weather Service invites graduates who are in possession of a

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Closing Date: 19 October 2015 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (1ST, 2ND, 3RD OR HONOURS YEAR) – (REF.WS01/11/2015), for 2016 is offering Bursari es for study towards the following METEOROLOGY OCEANOGRAPHY AGROMETEORLOGY  AIR QUALITY ·  ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE CLIMATOLOGY Applicants that have a letter of confirmation from the university may apply. Applicants that are already registered with the

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