Listing By Field: Soil & Water Sciences

Closing Date: 03 February 2023 at 16h00 (emailed and faxed applications will NOT be considered). The Groen Sebenza Phase II Programme is a bridging into work programme funded to the value of R300m for  the next three years. GS Phase II aims to recruit 1050 unemployed graduates (Diploma – PhD level) and place  them nationally

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Closing Date: 07 November 2016 The National Research Foundation (NRF) is responsible for the management of the DST-NRF Internship Programme, in which unemployed Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) graduates and postgraduates are offered an opportunity to acquire practical work experience through mentoring and exposure to a research environment. This opportunity is also offered to those

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Closing Date: 2 November 2015 The National Research Foundation (NRF) is responsible for the management of the DST-NRF Internship Programme, in which unemployed Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) graduates and postgraduates are offered an opportunity to acquire practical work experience through mentoring and exposure to a research environment. This opportunity is also offered to those

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