Closing Date: 02 JULY 2019 AT 16H30 

As a part of its skills development initiatives. Transport Education Training Authority awards bursaries annually for studies aligned to critical and scarce skills identified in the transport sector. Bursary awards are categorised according to sector requirements, with due consideration of the National Skills Development Strategy II, completed by the Department of Higher Education and Training The Transport Education Training Authority (TETA) is offering bursaries and invites qualifying unemployed learners to apply for funding for the 2020 academic year. 

Learners eligible for bursaries:

  • Currently in Groce 12 or have completed matric
  • Aviation students with PPL
  • Intending to study transport-related qualifications in 2020
  • Commercial Divers with matric 
  • Currently registered students at Institutions of Higher Learning (Senior Certificate) (including TVET Colleges and require funding for 2020 academic year

Applicants must be studying or intending to study at Accredited Aviation Schools, Accredited Diving Schools and Registered TVETS Cnc HELS. 

For the academic year 2020, TETA bursary will only fund the following qualifications: 

  • (N4-N6) or National Diploma, B-Tech, Advanced Diploma or degree in  Electrical/Electronic Engineering 
  • National Diploma, B-Tech, Advanced Diploma or B Degree: Maritime or Nautical Studies 
  • (N4-N6) or National Diploma, B-Tech, Advanced Diploma or B degree in Mechanical Engineering
  • B Degree Maritime Law 
  • B Degree in Aeronautical Engineering 
  • Masters Degree in Transport Related qualification (possible themes in the guidelines)
  • National Diploma. B-Tech, Advanced Diploma or B degree in Logistics Management
  • Commercial Pilot License 
  • National Diploma, B-Tech, Advanced Diploma or B Degree in Road Transport Management
  • Instrument Rating 
  • National Diploma. B-Tech. Advanced Diploma or Degree in Supply Chain Management including Warehouse, Storage and Distribution
  • Instructor’s Rating 
  • National Diploma, B-Tech, Advanced Diploma or degree in Transportation Management
  • CPL with ATPL subjects (Frozen ATPL)
  • National Diploma, B-Tech, Advanced Diploma or B Degree in Transport Economics
  • ATPL (Hour Building) 
  • Commercial Divers. Class II ll and IV 

The bursary will cover tuition, accommodation On/Off campus, transport (where applicable), books and meals according to TETA Unemployed Learner Bursary Policy and Funding Model. The funding is targeted at previously disadvantaged and impoverished youth (35 years old and younger from rural and urban communities, females and people with disabilities.


Unemployed Bursaries Universities Students

  • 275 Unemployed 
  • Students from University of Technologies and TVET Colleges learners 
  • Trainee Pilots
  • Commercial Divers

Application forms, guidelines and other relevant documents are available on the TETA website, under TETA 2019/2020 Unemployed Bursary Learner Support 

Note: Funding will only be awarded to applicants applying for transport related-qualification (as listed that lead to a full academic qualification 

1. Applicants must be South African citizens and be at the age of 35 years or below. 2. Applicants should select one qualification on the application form. 3. Only one application form will be accepted per leamer. 

4. Applications should be accompanied by all documents required in the checklist attached to the application form 

Note: Submission of incomplete documents will automatically disqualify the application

How to Apply

 Fully and correctly completed application forms may be submitted in the following ways:

Via Post: Private Bag X 10016, Randburg, 2125. 

Hand delivery to TETA Head Office: 344 Pretoria Avenue, Randburg. 

Attention: Confdence Ngobeni or Phuti Rankopole – SD & LP Unit. 

Applications can also be hand-delivered to TETA Coastal and/or regional offices listed below.

Kwa-Zulu Natal Office: MB House, 635-641 Peter Mokaba Road. Overport, Durban. Tel: 031 301 9614 Attention: Mike Mzolo.

Western Cape Office: Newlands on Main, Mariendahl House Ground Floor, 13 Main Road, Newlands, Cope Town, 7700, Tel: 021 819 9601/9606/9607. Attention: Zaidah Sampson • 

Limpopo Office: Capricorn TVET College. Senwabarwono Campus. Senwebarwono Main Rood. Bochum 079 150 2729, Attention: Thandazile Mabuya. 

Note: Correspondence will only be entered into with the successful applicants. If you have not received further correspondence from TETA by 30 January 2020. please consider your application unsuccessful. Late and e-mailed applications will not be considered.

ENQUIRIES: PLEASE CONTACT 011 577 7033/7018/7093.