Good people,

We need your help.

Recently, some of you have started sending tips about programmes they find around the internet and private emails. We are grateful to them. At this time of the year, this makes things easy as it gives us more time to develop the site more.

Now, this is a call to everybody to share as well. Here is how you can send a tip:

  • You can copy and paste the address of the page you want to share on the feedback page. Otherwise,
  • You can contact us via our Facebook page. [You might want to visit us over there as we talk about a lot of interesting stuff. Most of the short messages updates are shared over there];
  • You can forward us an email through the admin email address;
  • Finally, there is the submissions page. Even though this is reserved for companies, you can use the guidelines listed there and forward your tip.

Your help will go a long way in ensuring that people don’t miss out on opportunities because of lack of access to information.

My gran said, “many hands do easier work”.