
Every once in a while the puff and pass overlords sell enough boxes of lemons to run a giveaway. Recently, we ran another one. Our biggest ever!

Yet every time it reminds us of one thing: Time Wasting!!! Lots and lots of time.

The aim of the giveaways is to help people who might not have the means to keep connected or to keep applying for opportunities. So giving away airtime is the best thing we could think of.

Now here is the problem... The thing takes lots of time to do. The last one took about two days. The entire weekend so to speak. And this is only sorting the people by service and contacting them for their airtime. Ooh… you might add the selection of winners to that.

This is the process:

1. Run a giveaway for a week and people enter by commenting…

2. Select winners.

3. Contact Winners

4. Winners respond to a private message based on the email address entered in #1

4.25. Winners don’t enter their email address in #1 and they can’t be contacted

4.5. Winners don’t read and they just do whatever comes first to their mind

5. Sort the winners by service provider ( then you find that one or two funny winners sent their numbers instead of their service provider).

6. Go buy airtime for R2000.00 and the lady at PEP gives you a funny look for buying so must airtime. *Evil grin*

7. Allocate the PIN numbers to the individual winners based on the service provider provided in #5.

8. Send individual emails to the winners.

9. End…

10. So tired. So complain online for a better solution.

This is where you come inIf you have a better way of doing the giveaways, please share your ideas.

We still want to help every once in a while but that should not take us away from our main goal, which is to help you find information as effortless as possible.

To share your idea please use this Feedback Page