Listing By Field: Anthropology

Closing Date: 04 August 2023 Stipend: The interns will be paid a monthly stipend for a fixed contract of 24 months as follows:  Interns in possession of a qualification (NQF level 5 (i.e. N6)) – R 5 296.64 p.m. Interns in possession of a qualification (NQF level 6 to NQF Level 8) – R 6

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CLOSING DATE: 31 August 2021 Location: East London Applications are invited from suitably qualified applicants to fill the following internship programmes: BUFFALO CITY METROPOLITAN MUNICIPALITY –  HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT  INTERNSHIP PROGRAMME 2021 / 2022 FINANCIAL YEAR The Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality is offering opportunities for Work integrated Learning for a period of 18 months for

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Closing Date: 03 September 2021 Location: KZN The KwaZulu-Natal Department of Arts and Culture hereby invites applications for internship opportunities that exist in the Department. Applications are invited from unemployed youth and economically inactive population with relevant Degree / National Diploma qualifications. Successful interns will be expected to enter into a 24 months contract. Interns

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Closing Date: 02 July 2021 at 16:30 pm Location: Pretoria The relevant reference number must be quoted on all applications. The successful candidate will have to sign an annual performance agreement and will be required to undergo a security clearance. Applications must be submitted on a signed Z.83 accompanied by certified copies of all qualifications,

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Closing Date: 30 March 2021  The Department of Sport, Arts and Culture invites applications for bursaries from universities for students who wish to pursue studies in heritage related programmes. Eligibility South African citizenship  Outstanding / satisfactory academic performance (academic progress report if already at an institution) Field of study (heritage related)  Financially needy Fields of

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Closing date: 26 February 2021 Location: All Provinces DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, LAND REFORM AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITIES FOR 2021/22 – 2022/23 Stipend: R 73 004. 40 per annum depending on the level of qualifications The Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD) presents exciting opportunities/positions for the unemployed graduates between the ages

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Closing Date: 2 November, 2018 The National Research Foundation (NRF) is responsible for the management of the DST-NRF Internship Programme in which unemployed Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) graduates and postgraduates (including those in Social Sciences and Humanities) are offered an opportunity to acquire practical work experience through mentoring and an exposure to a research

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Location: Johannesburg, Durban, Cape Town The Graduate Engineering Training Program (GETP) is a two-year program committed to growing high potential talent by accelerating their development through intense technical and professional training and a variety of business-critical assignments in areas such as field service engineering and application engineering. GETP graduates will gain the technical and business

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Closing Date: 22 June 2018 (For Youth in Gauteng Only) The Gauteng Department of Sport, Arts, Culture and Recreation is contributing towards skills development by providing ployed graduates to gain work experience in various skills areas. It is therefore invite in various skills areas. It is therefore for an Internship Programme that will run for

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Closing Date: 14 November 2017 Location: All 9 Provinces The National Research Foundation (NRF) is responsible for the management of the DST-NRF Internship Programme in which unemployed Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) graduates and postgraduates (including those in Social Sciences and Humanities) are offered an opportunity to acquire practical work experience through mentoring and exposure

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Closing Date: 24 February 2017 at 16H30 The Department of Arts and Culture invites applications for bursaries from students who wish to pursue studies in heritage related programmes. The bursary will fund undergraduate studies only. The bursary is available for a restricted number of outstanding academic performers. Eligibility South African citizenship Financially needy NB: 2017

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Closing Date: 07 November 2016 The National Research Foundation (NRF) is responsible for the management of the DST-NRF Internship Programme, in which unemployed Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) graduates and postgraduates are offered an opportunity to acquire practical work experience through mentoring and exposure to a research environment. This opportunity is also offered to those

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Closing Date: 15 January 2016 Location: Pretoria  Stipend: R4 637.06 pm  Applications must have satisfied the academic requirements for the advertised fields of study and must be first time participants in this programme. Reference Number DPME / 01 Branch and sub – areas ; Human Resources Management / Development, Finance, Supply Chain, Information Technology, Office

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Closing Date: 2 November 2015 The National Research Foundation (NRF) is responsible for the management of the DST-NRF Internship Programme, in which unemployed Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) graduates and postgraduates are offered an opportunity to acquire practical work experience through mentoring and exposure to a research environment. This opportunity is also offered to those

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Closing Date: 11 September 2015 The KwaZulu-Natal Government is offering bursaries to students who are residents of KwaZulu-Natal interested in pursuing a tertiary qualification in the fields of study indicated below: Office of the Premier National Diploma or Degree in the following fields: Artisan qualifications, Maritime studies, Engineering related qualifications, Aviation related, Emergency Medical Care,

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Closing Date:  31 October 2014 Purpose 2015 Dean Bursaries are awarded on financial need and academic record to full time University students in an effort to assist students financially to cover tuition and/ or text book costs for one academic year. PPS does not award bursaries to students that already have other confirmed sponsors unless the

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Location: Durban Closing Date: 16 May 2014 Stipend:  R1, 480.00 per month for a qualification less than 3 years;  R3, 000.00 per month for a 3 year qualification (National Diploma, Degree)  R3, 500.00 per month for a 4 year qualification (Post graduate Diploma, Honours)  R4, 500.00 per month for a Master’s Degree. Content The eThekwini Municipality is

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Closing Date: 28 February 2014 Digby Wells Says: Digby Wells Environmental provides premier environmental and social services to the mineral resources and energy industries in Africa. We invite undergraduates registering for 2nd year, 3rd year and Post Graduate studies for the 2014 academic year, to apply for entrance to our bursary programme. This programme provides

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DAC BURSARIES FOR HERITAGE RELATED STUDIES: 2012 The Department of Arts and Culture invites applications for bursaries from students who wish to pursue studies in heritage related programmes. The bursary will finance certificates, diplomas, and degree courses at accredited further and higher education institutions. Eligibility South African citizenship Academic potential / satisfactory academic performance (academic

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2012/2013 INTERNSHIP PROGRAMME The KwaZulu-Natal Department of Arts and Culture hereby invites applications for internship opportunities that exist in the Department. Applications are invited from unemployed youth between 18-35 years of age, with relevant Degree/National Diploma qualifications. Successful interns will be expected to enter into a 12 month contract. Interns will receive a monthly stipend

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